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Loot Filter 0.65
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| 19.06.2010, 22:35 |
Автоподбор, автовыброс лута и т.п.
Команды: /lf - Shows config /lf on - Turns the filter on /lf off - Turns the filter off /lf status - Shows the current status of LootFilter /lf list - Shows Blacklisted items /lf add item_name - Adds an item into Blacklist, i.e. /lf add Damaged Tool /lf remove item_name - Removes an item from Blacklist /lf show - Shows Picklisted items. /lf pick item_name - Adds an item into the Picklist /lf delete item_name - Removes an item from the Picklist /lf qfilter on - Turns on the Quality Filter. /lf qfilter off - Turns off the Quality Filter. /lf setq quality_level - Sets the quality level of the Quality Filter. Use the parameters: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Gold. /lf help - Shows the slash commands of LootFilter. /lf ? - Shows the slash commands of LootFilter. /sweepGarbage - put blacklisted items into the trash bin
Категория: Аддоны | Добавил: Darkhood
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